Standard magnet characteristics
All Rare Earth Magnets are SILVER, any image variation is due to monitor, or photo interpretation.
Holding Pot Cross Section:
Holding Pots must come into contact with the Steel Targets surface to achieve its full holding power potential (Pull Force kgs). If there is any obstruction between the magnet and the steel target, like even a thin wood veneer, the holding power can be greatly reduced, also the connection should be even across the entire diameter of the magnets base, avoiding high spots like weld seams, screw heads or rivets where possible.

Temperature Range:
– 196°C / + 80°C

Holding Pot – Eyelet
The metal pot that the magnet is set into, protects the magnet and also directs both North and South poles in the same one direction, which is why holding pots are a great solution where extra magnetic holding power is required.

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