Fishing Magnets are a powerful neodymium magnet, a steel armature with a Threaded Eyelet Bolt used to find lost objects in water etc. The powerful pulling force of the Fishing Magnet is designed to attract and catch iron or steel objects for retrieval by strong rope attached to the Fishing Magnets Threaded Eyelet Bolt. After ensuring both ends of the rope is secured, the magnet is submerged into the water to drag search rivers, lakes or any large body of water.
The steel armature is plated with Dacro that has a strong anti corrosion effect. The neodymium magnet has a triple coating of NI-CU-NI ( nickel- copper -nickel ) that’s three layers of anti corrosion coatings. Our fishing magnets are double if the pulling force is stated at 600kg then it has this force of 600kg on either side of the magnet, this greatly improves the chance of attracting to a target.